Lee Spirits Company has ceased operations. Please see more information HERE.

Carlos Garcia

Director of Sales

Spirits from A-Z

I became interested in the spirits industry in college. For my senior capstone, I decided to create a business plan for a Tequila brand and realized I knew pretty much nothing. I asked the owners of Lee Spirits if I could work for free to learn everything I could about the spirits industry. With help from the Lee Spirits team who has 100+ years of spirits industry knowledge, I was able to learn a lot, and I decided to stay and grow. I started as a bottler in the distillery, then became a cocktail server, then a bartender, then Head Bartender, then Tasting Room Manager, and now Director of Sales.  I’m really passionate about this brand and helping it grow and connecting with other industry professionals to continue learning and to help wherever I can. 

Email me: Carlos@LeeSpirits.com

Call Me: 303-507-9618

Let’s Meet: https://calendly.com/leespirits

📸Photo Credit: Erika Lindsey Photography